Case Study
Big Rude Jake
Swing punk jump blues legend
The website needed to be rebuilt in a timely fashion. The content had to be reconstructed. There was an active show schedule, ongoing music sales, and a gofundme campaign to promote. The domain names were under separate accounts, both were about to expire. (Click for more).
The execution of this project was a sensitive process. The client was terminally ill, and his wife was engaged in his care. While we hoped he would live, there were no guarantees. We felt it important that go live as soon as possible to give Jake peace of mind.
The goals were to help make sure that the Big Rude Jake legacy was not lost.
This website provides a place for fans to find, buy, and share his music. We worked quickly to have the site live before his death. We wanted to give him the comfort of knowing that his widow and child may use the website to continue sharing and selling his music.
Given the sensitive timing, we met the client infrequently and for short periods of time.
We contacted the registrar to help sort the details of gaining access while Jake was incapacitated. Having cleared the decks, we helped Anna-Lisa, Jake’s wife and business manager to recover the accounts.
Recovering the content meant mining’s Wayback Machine for images, links, articles, biographies, & reviews.
Re-establishing and rebuilding the website required tracking down the accounts, recovering passwords and ensuring that ownership of the site was not lost.
This was a time-sensitive process, as the site ownership was about to expire. We helped the client manage this process, walking her through it during conference calls.